According to the information received from the Bangladesh Meteorological Department, mild to severe heat wave is sweeping over the country and may continue.  In these circumstances, ***To protect the rice crop from heat wave damage, keep 5-7 cm of water in the paddy till the grain hardens. At this time, there should be no shortage of water on the land. ***Rice plants may be attacked by neck blast disease during the growing stage in the current weather. Before disease symptoms appear, spray Trooper 8 gm/10 liters of water or Nativo 6 gm/10 liters of water twice in the afternoon on 5 percent soil at an interval of 5 days. ***Provide adequate irrigation at the base of the mango tree. If necessary, water can be sprayed on the branches of the tree. ***Arrange 2 to 3 irrigations on vegetable land as per requirements in the next week, depending on the type of soil. ***Ensure mulching and irrigationto protect fruit and vegetable seedlings from heat wave damage. ***Avoid keeping livestock and poultry outdoors in direct sunlight during heat waves. Cattle and poultry can be sprayed with cold water on the body/house.***

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