Crop Weather Information - Sugarcane




Sugarcane is a tropical crop and requires warm humid climate for its growth. As it grows the year round, it passes through all types of weather and seasonal conditions.

  • For good sprouting the setts and up to grand growth optimum   temperature   25° C to 35°C. During maturity to harvesting stage favor low temperature (12° C to 14°C). Soil temperature of 16-320C   is optimum for the plant growth.
  • The temperature above 370C inhibits growth. Adequate warmth and plenty of moderate light near the base of young shoots are essential to induce tillering.
  • Night time temperature has a crucial role in cane growth. Weak light reduces its growth.
  • Moist humid climate(RH 80-85%) favorable for  germination  the setts and up to grand growth. long days ( average sun shine hr 7-9) , short nights and ample water  supplies are highly conducive to good vegetative growth. Low minimum Temperatures Retard Flowering And Very Low Temperatures Reduces Quality Of Juice.
  • The crop yield is reduced to one-half if the sunshine is cut down to half the normal.
  • The crop requires 1250 to 1650 mm of rainfall in a year. The crop has an extensive fibrous root system.
  • The optimum yields of sugarcane are obtained by maintaining a very high moisture level throughout the root zone during the entire growing season.
  • The total water requirement of the crop varies between 300-1000 mm in different growth stages.
  • Average soil temperature requires 16-32°C.  Soil moisture 50% depletion requires irrigation up to 270DAP and 75% depletion requires irrigation after270 DAP.