Pests Information - Jute

Field Cricket
Favorable weather

Loamy and sandy-loam soil. dry weather  and temperature 27-32°C.

 Control measure Common name and dose Trade name

Spray of Chlorpyriphos @3ml/L water.

Dursban 20 EC/ Gola 48EC/ Cyren 50 WP

Infestation stage

Emergence  to seedling stage


Jute Yellow mite
Favorable weather

Dry and hot weather

Control measure Common name and dose Trade name

Spray of miticide   3gm/L water.

Kumulus DF/Thiovit 80 WG/ Sulphotox 80 WP

Infestation stage Seedling to vegetative stage


Jute Semi-lopper
Favorable weathe

RH 65-85%,Temp 28-34°C and rainfall 20mm-100 mm

Control measure Common name and dose Trade name

Spray of Lambda-Cyhalothrin @1ml/L water

karate 2.5 EC/Reeva 2.5 EC/ Fighter 2.5 EC
Infestation stage Vegetative stage


Hairy Caterpillar
Favorable weather

High temperature, high humidity and cloudy weather

 Control measure Common name and dose Trade name

Spray of Lambda-Cyhalothrin @1ml/L water

Karate 2.5 EC/Reeva 2.5 EC/ Fighter 2.5 EC
Infestation stage Vegetative stage